Friday, June 17, 2011

What do you think?

I have this very special hate/love relationship with my hair.

OMG, I can already see you rolling your eyes and screaming: Nooooooooooooooooo! Not a superficial post about the length of his f*cking hair!

But do you realize that those bloody hairs are the key of my love life. Yep... The new Mr. B.F. really insisted on me letting them grow. he actually has this John Travolta/Grease fantasy aka Me + Rockabilly hair cut + horn comb in my jeans back pocket.

Since he said that I have been non-stop hesitating:

 Option 1: Growing the hair = I am a big wimp/sissy totally in love.

Option 2: Cutting the hair = I am totally independent person perfectly capable of managing by myself... But I am single lol

And cherry on the cake comes Lulu, “ze” best friend that keep screaming:

-          “You look so damn good when you're hair are longer and in a Morrissey lookalike style.”

In the end, I gave up. I left my hair grow up and you know what? I kinda think it's ok. Even cute.

For sure, some days are harder than other. For instance, yesterday I had a late night dinner (read: "I had way to many glasses of white wine and that last vodka was a huge mistake) and today I kinda feel like I am carrying a mega brioche on my head. But still… I like it.

And you? What do you think?

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