Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lone-star Beauty

The eyes invited me first, and a gorgeous face coaxed me to drop what I'm doing and pay attention... is perhaps how I'd best describe my initial reaction to JBM photographer friend Tracy Nanthavongsa's latest lone-star beauty mrgreen.
By all accounts an ultra-hottie for sure, Tracy's latest model Aaron B. just has something about him (I can't put my finger on it)... I'm thinking 'guy next door' meets 'super cute buddy who you secretly have a crush on but would never tell for fear of ruining a close friendship' kind of hot... If that even makes any sense...confused... Ok, I think I'm projecting again neutral...
Tracy was kind enough to provide somewhat of a behind-the-scenes look for his shoot with Aaron earlier this month... Notwithstanding a pretty lengthy personal interview for blogmate Charmant's blog (which I highly recommend checking out).
Incidentally Aaron was also featured on the November cover of Arizona gay sports magazine Compete, which technically makes that Tracy's first cover shoot. Congratulations Tracy. You can check out compete's feature of Aaron here.
'Guy next door who you find super cute, yet wouldn't tell him so for fear of ruining a friendship'... Hm... an interesting concept biggrin. And yet here I am starting to feel hungry again... wonder if I know anyone who's up for lunch cool.

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