Sunday, November 22, 2009

British Heat Overdose

I'm not sure if you guys are aware of this, but I think someone, somewhere out there might have devised a plot to take out yours truly neutral...
Not that I'm trying to alarm anyone, and not that I want to come off as paranoid in the sight of... err, hm confused... Oh, yeah that's right. No, I'm absolutely positive I'm not being paranoid at the sight of great legs, leading to descending undies, leading to... perfectly - irresistible - baby - blues neutral...

At least I hope I'm not being paranoid, but I could almost swear there's a certain photographer out there (I won't name names)... Who's had it out for me for a while now, laying hotness landmines in my path as I innocently check through my ever accumulating e-mail inbox.
Again, I won't name names *cough* British ultra-sexy photographer Dylan Rosser *cough*, but I managed to quickly power-off the laptop this morning and switch off the wi-fi connection before the processor had a chance to overheat on account of a certain British Mathematics major/somestimes soccer player-turned-latest Rosser model by the name of Peter H...
Hm, ok, I think I'll just stop here. You guys can check out more of Peter over at Dylan's website. In the meanwhile, I think I'll just go fetch myself an ice-cold glass of water... with extra ice... before taking a cold shower confused... (*proceeds to frantically attempt to power off laptop again*)...

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