Monday, August 15, 2011

Updates on my life, if you care.

Soooooo, I'm done with my internship (thank god.) It was starting to make me lose brain cells and I'm not kidding. I honestly couldn't speak in coherent sentences anymore, I had insomnia and couldn't fall asleep until 3AM most nights and I was up bright and early at 6:30 AM every morning. That compiled over the course of 2 months made me forget how to spell and talk in English. The Portuguese is more natural at this point for me when I'm tired, hell I even dream in Portuguese at this point. But anyway...I'm glad that's over.

And I leave for Hawaii @3:30 AM tomorrow morning! It will be wonderful! I don't think I'll have internet access except for my phone, so I think I'll be on a 2 week hiatus here, sorry to tell you. I'm super pumped.

College starts the day I get back from Hawaii. I guess I'm the worlds ultimate genius...planning vacation until the day class starts. That coupled with a 12 hour flight and 6 hour time difference will be extremely interesting on the first day of school. Kill me.

I finally got my dorm assignment! I have an on campus apartment with 4 other roomies. I don't know any of them. I'm a little nervous, but that's normal I guess. I was happy about getting the apartment because now I only have to share a bathroom with 4 other slobs, not 100. Plus, I didn't want to make all the other guys feel insecure when I was walking around the showers/bathroom obviously more "qualified" than most (TMI!!!!!) Joking but not really. But seriously.

Anyway, I got an email from my Portuguese teacher in Bahia, and I wanted to cry because I was so jealous. She was in Trancoso and I reaaaalllllly want to go there. Lucky Paulistana. Oh and my PORT book for this semester was supposed to cost $300, but because of this my school is not ordering it through the bookstore--but they still expect that you get the book. FML. I guess I'll have to return to drug dealing and selling my body so I can learn something.

Anyway, I thinks that's it for now! I will be able to respond to comments on my phone ( I think) but I don't like posting entries on my phone....but maybe I'll put pictures up...don't know. I'll talk to you later blogger friends. Love you all!

Ate breve,

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