They are moving from Barra da Tijuca to Rua Francisco Otaviano in Ipanema (it may seem like Copacabana, but it's Ipanema according to the city "mapa dos bairros.") I think it's a good move considering most of the turistas are in the Ipanema/Copacabana axis. Barra da Tijuca is nice, but it's more Miami than Rio.
They're moving into this building, the old Bingo Arpoador. I think they could even construct a Hard Rock Hotel there if the "gabarito" permits. Don't quote me on that because that's pure speculation. But Hard Rock should hire me because of my wonderful ideas, it would have a great view of Parque Garota da Ipanema and the Garotas da Ipanema that frequent the park at night =/.
Have a nice night everyone!