Friday, March 11, 2011

The toothbrush case

While I was showering the other day, I noticed that they were two toothbrushes in the dedicated toothbrush glass… And I started to realize how that second toothbrush was important to me and how I’d be super sad if suddenly it would disappear.

Ok, you gonna think that I am high on crack or I did veterinary drugs all weekend long. But nope… It is just the story of a single guy (me obviously) constantly looking for love with Mr. Right.

Let’s say that in the past months, I have been dating people. But really dating like if I was a N.Y.C. fairy. Like first date + no kissing + no sex, then second date + kissing + soft sex (don’t ask) and finally third date/kissing/sex (don’t even consider asking)… And I met this guy really good on paper (good job, good brain, good body…). Perfect first date. Perfect second date. And God only knows why between second and third, “I” started to became “We”: “We” were going to shop for a sofa on Saturday, “We” were going on holidays together… We… We… We… And then came that morning when “I” woke up and walked to the bathroom to find a toothbrush left on the sink. Waoooooow boy… I totally freaked out and never called the guy nor answered any of his texts/emails. Yep… I am a coward bitch.

But what I really wanted to say is that how bizarre is life and the way people attract or repulse you. How a simple toothbrush can make you feel bad or super happy.

And now, I know what you’re thinking and willing to read about: Who the f*ck is the owner of the second toothbrush and how did I meet him. That, my friends, will be an other post.

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