Saturday, May 29, 2010

Questions and Dilemmas

To purchase the box set DVDs, or not to purchase the box set DVDs; that is the question...
Or at least one of dozens upon dozens (upon dozens) of questions I've been left with following last weekends... let's say interesting finale twist? I'm assuming most of you should have seen it by now, but for the sake of those who haven't had a chance to watch it and/or the series in general, I hold off on spoiling anything cool. Suffice to say, I had a love/hate opinion on the finale (and perhaps the final season as whole itself looking back now)... But I think this video probably articulates my lingering sentiments better than I ever could...
Question, question, and more questions that ultimately will never get answered nor resolved in any way, shape or form whatsoever now. Which of course gets me back wondering whether it's even worth it purchasing the entire box set... (*sigh*)... Dilemmas, dilemmas...

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