Saturday, May 29, 2010

Masculine Beauty: Part Deux

I posted this model about a couple days ago (perhaps it was a week or two?... Lol, time flies confused). Anyhow yeah, so I posted this model a little while back now... and was planning on moving on...
Andrew (1)
And yet lo and behold in my time away from the blog, a kind reader by the name of Eileen took it upon herself to do a little sleuthing of her own regarding the identity of this mystery man. Subsequently she wound up discovering his name's Andrew... (granted he has a last name of course, but apparently he uses/used solely his first name to do a little modeling cool).
Andrew (3)
Seeing how Eileen was kind enough to track down this information, I figured I might as well return the favor and featuring a couple more shots I've been sitting regarding this stunning mystery man.... (As the story goes, apparently these were the only shots he's ever taken professionally... and he's since vanished from the scene). How unfortunate really, but at least he's left behind a rather stunning trail...

Thanks Eileen for the I.D. on this one smile...

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