Monday, December 21, 2009

Wild life Safety

As a rule, keep your distance and avoid contact with all wildlife. It is illegal to touch, feed or entice wildlife in Nunavut. Contact the Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment Wildlife Division for information about fishing and hunting in Nunavut.


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Grizzly bears are found on mainland Nunavut from the east coast of Hudson Bay across the barrens. You should take the same safety precautions in these parts of Nunavut as you would in any bear country. For general grizzly bear safety information contacts the Government of Northwest Territories Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development Department. For Nunavut Parks specific grizzly bear information contacts the Nunavut Department of Environment, Parks and Conservation Areas or Wildlife Division.


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Muskoxen, particularly if they are lone bulls, have been known to charge and gore people when threatened. Walruses and whales can be aggressive and can easily capsize a boat. Rabies is present throughout Nunavut, especially in foxes but also in wolves. Birds and wildlife will scavenge food, garbage and caches that are not secure.

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