Friday, December 4, 2009

3 days in Belgium... 45.000 status on Facebook...

Emmanuel Zanucchi is coach 13, seat 55 in the 8:25am Thalys to Antwerp waiting for breakfast as if it was home...

Emmanuel Zanucchi is seated next to a guy that could have been cute but reading the Figaro, wearing short discolored black cotton socks that show über white calves & discreetly scratching his balls (that Skinny Mini imagines imprisoned in a Bob the Sponge underpants) makes him the perfect subject of study between Paris & Antwerp... And will make you laugh a bit.

Emmanuel Zanucchi kinda feels scared 'cause everybody keeps repeating 23,000 times Mr. Zanucchi & the Spanish guy at the front desk recognized him and called him Mr. Zanucchi spontaneously. Should he tell him that nobody calls him Mr. Zanucchi but Mr. Skinny Mini?

Emmanuel Zanucchi is ready to face an entire day of Belgian railroad trip and ready for super exciting meetings and store visits...

Emmanuel Zanucchi really enjoys traveling by train 'cause he can read Belgian Paris Match and have all the updates on the royal Belgian family...

Emmanuel Zanucchi is hysterical 'cause he just missed the uber glamour Liege => Tongeren IC & has now to wait a fucking hour in the brand new Calatrava Liege train station. As he already red all the magazines possible he ended up buying Point de Vue (Belgian edition!)!!! Skinny Mini is a maxi looser!

Emmanuel Zanucchi wanna dedicate his status to Maman Ours and the Mayor of Tongeren... Arriving in the city under the rain and at night is nothing 'cause they play Bad Romance on the streets speakers (typical belgian stuff to play music on the street). Skinny Mini felt suddenly at l'Insolite with his beloved Mummy Bear drinking Vodka Birkin!

Emmanuel Zanucchi is now facing his bigest fear in life... Having dinner alone like an old Slovenian rat in a restaurant full of Belgian people... Please email me so I look busy with my 2 phones! Or he could get naked and dance on Barry White... Not sure they love the Las Vegas striptease performance ;-0

Emmanuel Zanucchi aka Skinny Mini the ambassador of Parisian chic is having dinner @ Tinto in Tongeren in front of a group of guys wearing printed spandex tee's w/ über short sleeves revealing uggly tribal tatoos. His new best friend, the waitress offered him a quail & mango mousse that looks like coconut cake. To face that situation and keep the glamour on, he only speaks English with his über cute NY Chelsea queen accent... Soundtrack: Mambo #5.... Bottom has been officialy reached!

Emmanuel Zanucchi is having Italian lunch alone like an old Ukrainian prostitue lost in Hasselt under the rain. His Nike are more than humid & he avoided the local Footlocker in order not to shop for an other pair! Even though the new air max keeps screaming "adopt us, Skinny Mini" everytime he passes by the window!

Emmanuel Zanucchi : last time I was in Hasselt, I had the entire Dalida compilation for breakfast as soundtrack. Today I had the pleasure to listen to Sheila & the B Devotion performing "Singing in the rain" on the street! I am wondering, is Hasselt the hometown of the Follivores or is it just a 80's gay musical twist they wanna give to create shopping desire?

Emmanuel Zanucchi is in the Thalys to Paris & hopefully @ home in 1 hour if the breaks don't break as they seemed a bit weak at the beginning! Then he will take a shower, get dressed and will join with Mr. B.F. his gang for dinner @ Anne's. Maybe the über best moment of his week as he hasn't seen his friends for days & misses them as hell. Yep, Skinny Mini loves his friends and yes... There is a beating heart behind the sexual bomb!

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