Thursday, July 30, 2009

Famous on-screen call girls roles played by Hollywood Actress


The Black Eyed Peas singer has starred in a couple of supporting roles in a couple of non-descript movies except for Planet Terror and Poseidon. But with Nine she's making sure the audience take her seriously. She has even put on a couple of pounds for her role as the prostitute in the musical.

Vanessa Hudgens

The High School Musical star is all set to shed her Disney image with Punch where she plays a foul mouthed prostitute. Directed by 300 filmmaker Zack Snyder, it's bound to give Hudgens the space she needs to get rid of her child-star image.

Vanessa Hudgens 

Julia Roberts

Vivian Ward from Pretty Woman is perhaps our favourite hooker ever. The girl in the peroxide blonde wig, thigh-high boots and fantastic driving skills gave us a Cinderella story all over again.

Julia Roberts

Michelle Pfeiffer

She may be 51 but she's as gorgeous as ever and we bet pretty much all the men still have a huge crush on her. If you need proof, all you need to do is watch Cheri where Pfeiffer plays a retired courtesan having an affair with a young man.

Michelle Pfeiffer

Charlize Theron

Theron's prostitute gave us a peek into the sordid lifestyle on the street. The biographical thriller traces the evolution of the serial killer Aileen Wournos. Theron rightfully won the Academy Award for Best Actress for the brilliant portrayal of the disturbed woman.

Charlize Theron

Billie Piper

The Doctor Who actress wasn't happy just playing the monogamous Rose Tyler. And so Belle de Jour from Secret Diary of a Call Girl is a regular at everyone's home.

Billie Piper

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