Thursday, December 30, 2010

Am I too Sex & the City?

I am sick and in bed since the past two days. I watched all my favorite DVD's and have been browsing the web like nonstop. I’ve been heating very light and sleeping a lot (like a lot!). So today, I look super fresh and kinda skinny. But on the other hand I got plenty of time to think about me, my non-existing love life and how I am dreaming about having a real one.

Yesterday, in the middle of the afternoon, I ended up watching for the 23,793 time Sex & The City #1. I totally love the show and the movies.
Hello, my life!
Every gay man that I know (the real and cool ones. Not the “straight acting” or top hipster ones) identifies with one of the 4 girls. Ask any of them and they will tell you that I am Samantha... But this is so wrong. I am Carrie. I thought about it again yesterday. Let me tell you why:

               I have an issue with shoes...
               I had Mr. Big and the perfect apt. for years...
               I like to hangout with the same friends (we call us "the gang")...
               I live in a small place with a walking closet next to my room...
               I have a MacBook and write about my silly life...
               I drink vodka...
               I go out...
               I love wearing It Bags (yep it's pathetic but I can’t help it)...
               I could name 3,457 other reasons...

But most of all, I keep looking for Mr. Right and keep thinking about it. <= 1,000% C.B.

Every f*cking time I have a date/one night stand/little flirt... My brain starts to explode... I keep thinking, making scenarios, forwarding my friends text messages so I get to get their analyzes... Oh god I hate myself for being like this. But I can't help it. And I keep being ashamed 'cause I feel like I am trying to resemble her. And this is bad... Bad! Bad! Bad!!!

I am a man. I'm growing conscientiously a beard. I dress up like a mini Seattle trunk driver (according to Lulu) when I wanna look hot! So I should stop trying to be Mrs. B. And I also should find a new Mr. Right and stop getting koo koo while thinking how to meet him.

It's is now 11:05pm and I am watching Toostie.

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