Friday, January 8, 2010

The Sun Rises in the East...

... and makes its way ever so intently to come to rest on a Just Beautiful Horizon cool...

This blog has finally come to the end of its road... is perhaps what a couple detractors might want to hear considering some of the giddiness I've been seeing over the site mysteriously going dormant. Just the concept of a blog meant to celebrate the beauty of man-kind somehow impinging on other blogs doing the same. Wow... i'll never wrap my head around that one confused...

But random internet nuttiness aside, yes, I have in fact been on a self-imposed hiatus for the past month or so now. It was a necessary break after obsessively pursuing my online photography obsession over these past couple of obsessive years cool... That and I've been working on a pretty enjoyable creative-writing project for the past couple of weeks now (which apparently seems to be going quite well). Rest assured though, I have not been 'raped' confused... nor is my broken body currently in a hospital as I struggle diligently to type this out... nor have I been in a car crash, or abducted by probe-happy extra-terrestrials that just happen to sexily resemble my biggest actor crush. I just needed to take a breather, so that's what I went ahead and did.

(Lol, truth be told though, the progression of what might be said and done should anything ever really happen to me is borderline disturbing to read... you guys should honestly see my inbox

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