Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Greetings blogosphere!! A year has come and now a new dawn is upon us. Okay enough with the babble.... I would love to send out a crazy thanks to everyone who continues to support and check out my blog. I have a busy schedule instore for myself in the New Year, and I will keep my blog informed with all that matters as much as I can. PLEASE..PLEASE do all you can...yes YOU!! all you can to make 2010 the best year for yourself yet!!! I am anxious and excited about the great possibilities awaiting me and hope the same for all of you as well. Extra Big thanks to CHRISTOPHER CUSHMAN, my friend and photographer, who shot my first nudes and helped mentor me throughout the year. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to get to this stage of my journey. So thank you Chris and to all the wonderful photographers I have been able to work with this past year. Let's create bigger and better projects this new year!!! Enjoy the night and welcome the new day with complete abandon...ONE LOVE and HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. "MY" new decade begins NOW!!!!

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