Monday, November 9, 2009

A work in progress

There's absolutely nothing that I love more than migrating 500gigs worth of movies, songs, games, random programs I can barely recall why on earth I downloaded... oh and a small collection of pics feeding a photographic obsession. Nothing at all. I can honestly barely contain the total adrenaline rush and excitement I get out of realizing 'I probably should've started backing up this laptop a month ago' smile... Clearly I'm a genius neutral...

But yeah... I'm currently in the process of getting ready for the big move to Windows 7 (hence my lack of posting recently). As for what it took these past two weeks to get Toshiba to get its act together and ship my free home version copy... I won't even bother getting into that nightmare (...suffice to say worst - customer service - ever neutral)....

I should be back to posting a couple favorite gorgeous (yet unfortunately overlooked) shots as soon as humanly possible though (Toshiba laptop permitting)... so bear with me. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth just yet cool... or at least if I did, then my aerial typing speed must be improving mrgreen...

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