Sunday, October 25, 2009

Taj Mahal replica constructed in Sonargaon (Bangladesh)

Taj mahal is situated at Agra in India. It is Built by the Emperor Sahajan.

Bangladeshi "Tazmahal"Now Taj mahal is replaces at sonargon in Banglaesh named as Banglar Taj mahal. Ahsanullah Moni, a Bangladeshi film maker had the Taj Mahal replica constructed in Sonargaon, a small town located 30 kms away from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh.

"Taj Mahal" at a cost of Taka 400 crore, which was opened for all in exchange of entry fees though "it is not built with a commercial purpose".
The replica, located 30 km (18 miles) off Dhaka city, which he called "Banglar Taj Mahal", has been built on over four acres of land while the complex was much bigger in size to accommodate a five-star motel, a huge film studio and an amusement park. Moni, a film maker and hotelier, said the idea of building the structure first stroke his mind when he first visited Agra in 1980 while he made six more trips there to realise his plan to replicate it.

Banglar Taj Mahal" was not exactly the same size of the original while he used different materials including stones for the replica considering their weather suitability.
He said he imported marble and granite from Italy, diamonds from Belgium and used 160 kilograms of bronze for the structure built with the help of modern technology.
Otherwise it would have taken 20 years and 22,000 workers to complete it as the original structure had required.

Emperor Shajan Began around 1632 and was completed around 1653 and woked 20,000 men. It took huge time. But new Taj mahal took only 5 years and very less people. Ahsanullah Moni imported granite and marble from Italy and diamonds from Belgium for the decorations.

 Bangladeshi "Tazmahal" Bangladeshi "Tazmahal" Bangladeshi "Tazmahal" Bangladeshi "Tazmahal" Bangladeshi "Tazmahal"

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