Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Simon's Vision of Beauty

Some men dream of things that never were and ask why?...

Others dream of things that just might be and ask why not... simply manifest those dreams into waking visions of art, and forever capture them in a timeless moment of bliss mrgreen...
...And why not present said captured visions of art as well on a gorgeous photography portfolio that can only be described as a spectacle for the eyes cool.

Sydney based photographer Simon Le has in fact manifested his vision into what I'd like to describe as a spectacle of beautiful creativity. Gorgeous guys, brilliant concepts, and phenomenal presentations... Pretty much everything you'd want in photographic masterpieces save the guys themselves coming to life and jumping out at you from the image mrgreen...

Kidding aside though, Simon's vision of beauty is nothing short of breathtaking. A number of his photos have appeared throughout this year over at DNA's blog (which I highly recommend checking out)... With of course a couple of his gorgeous sets being featured in the publication version itself.

Considering my attempts to articulate just how much I love this final shot leaves me at a loss for words, I think I'll just settle with saying "you can check out more of Simon's gorgeous work over at his fantastic photography page mrgreen" ...And might I add, I personally don't mind dreaming of things that never were... so long as they wind up turning out this gorgeous cool.

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