Saturday, October 24, 2009

The serenity of Robert James

A play of light, shadow, and serenity winds up uniting for an intense artistic observation on masculine appeal... Honestly if I didn't know better, I'd say this particular photographer may have taken a peak into inner-most fantasies...

And emerged with quite an eclectic mix of... well, let's just say subtlety does in fact happen to be one of his strong suits confused...
And serene settings are evidently his playground...

Just Beautiful... I was introduced to Wisconsin photographer Robert James's phenomenal work a couple days ago by his friend Ceruleanvii (who's equally gorgeous art I'm sure you've noticed posted above cool)... Immediately upon viewing a couple of his magnificent shots an inner struggle ensued from within as to whether or not I should unshackle my self for one post and display James's best work.

As usual, I opted for self-restraint and settled for a theme of Robert James's take on beautiful masculinity instead. Robert is first and foremost a photographer of the artistic nude form though, and quite an amazing one at that.

But as gorgeous as some of these shots may be, I believe Robert's deviantart page speaks for itself (and then some). James also maintains his own website, so you can check out his official portfolio here. Once again, thanks Ceruleanvii for all the leads this weekend. And thank you Robert for allowing me to feature a sample of your beautiful photography.

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