Friday, October 30, 2009

Ask Web Hosting Company Before You Buy

Before you actually buying web hosting plan you'll have question, is this web hosting I want to host my website? If you look around hosting company web site there are always not enough information. So asking them is better than going with hesitation. This example I made to ask hosting company support center by e-mail.

Dear {hosting company name},

I am interesting with web hosting solution offered in your web site. I have a site that need hosting, my site is forum web site based on PHP, One MySQL Database, and a lot of images. I found one of your hosting plan which is {name of hosting plan}
suit my needs. I just need to ask some question to make me sure choosing your hosting plan.

What payment options are available? What is the options for payment period?

Is there a trial period or money-back guarantee?

Is that price included setup fee?

Is there discount price for that plan?

What is the options to upgrade?

What is server specs for that plan?

Will I have my own IP address or is it shared?

What type of support do you offer? Email? Phone? Public? Hours? Limit? Average Response Time?

Will I have shell account?

What are control panel features to manage my web site?

How long will it take, from the time I submit my order, for me to have access to the site and begin developing?


Please feel free to explain anything you think I might have missed. Let me know of any reason you would be suitable or unsuited for my site.

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